Providing secular homeschooling support


CIRCLE is an active co-op and is part of the LEARN Home Education Network. Please learn more about us at kclearn.org. This site is no longer being maintained.

Welcome to LEARN’s CIRCLE co-op page. (CIRCLE stands for Children Involved in a Respectful Cooperative Learning Environment). We are one of LEARN’s homeschool cooperatives (co-op) open to all families in the Kansas City Metro area, regardless of educational choices. We are an arm of the LEARN Home Education Network.


CIRCLE, created in 2008, began as a group of families practicing attachment parenting principles. While we have grown to encompass families with other respectful parenting philosophies, we are still united in our desire to foster a respectful cooperative learning environment and community.

CIRCLE is a secular group and does not discriminate against anyone regarding religion, politics, race, gender, age, educational choices, or other differentiating factors. Please read LEARN’s mission statement for a more complete idea of our goals and philosophy.

All ages are welcome to participate in the CIRCLE co-op, from infants through adults. If you are looking for a respectful group which supports learning in a family environment, check us out!